Call For OsteoSys Research Award(ORA 2019)

Date : 2022-12-30 11:03:10 ㅣ Read : 550

2019 research award


1.  Call for 2019 OsteoSys Research Award

As part of one of the world’s most innovative and recognizable Bone Mineral Densitometry brands, OsteoSys is committed to supporting medical researchers for technical innovation. OsteoSys Research Award Program provides funding for cutting-edge medical research and helps a collaborative relationship between faculty and OsteoSys researchers. With awards up to $3,000 per year for each selected paper, OsteoSys Research Award creates new opportunities for researchers to engage in a pioneering pursuit that will bring better technologies for better lives.

2.  What is OsteoSys Research Award?

OsteoSys believes that innovative research is the key driving force to bring life to the industry. The OsteoSys Research Award provides an opportunity for university faculty, medical researchers, doctors and OsteoSys to conduct a collaborative research network. If your paper 1) is written in English, 2) is scheduled to be published in 2019 by a notable academic journal, 3) whose contents include any device manufactured by OsteoSys device (SONOST-2000, SONOST-3000, BeeTLe, EXA-3000, Presto, Dexxum T, Excellus, Primus, iNSiGHT), your paper is welcome to participate in OsteoSys Research Award. The award provides up to $3,000 in funds.

3.  Submission Guidelines

Eligible Applicants:

²We accept applications from professors (full, associate, and assistant), doctors, and medical researchers from all over the world.


²We accept applications that have a PI (Principal Investigator) and one or more co-PIs for the same proposal. However, only one award is granted to the primary PI and the primary PI’s university/institution if the proposal is selected.

4.  Requirements

Target Research Topic

Please check whether your paper directly deals with OsteoSys’ device. If so, please check whether your paper is engaged with one of the target research topics as below.

²  Cross-sectional study for acquiring BMD of a group of people who can represent the whole population.

²  Cross-sectional study for acquiring body composition (Fat Mass, Lean Mass, Bone Mass) of a group of people who can represent the whole population.

²  Comparison assessment between OsteoSys’ device and those of major competitors (GE, Hologic, DMS, etc).

²  Evaluation of a device(and its application) for (pre) clinical trial of a new medication and for follow-up studies of a group of patients:

Device/Model Application/Function Possible Research Theme
Primus BMD, Body Composition Analysis(Lean Mass) The relationship between bone mineral density and body composition with vertebral fragility fractures.
Primus Body Composition Analysis(Lean Mass) Sarcopenia and frailty guidelines update.
Primus Body Composition Analysis(Lean Mass) The relationship between t-cell responses to cytomegalovirus (cmv) and onset of frailty in HIV- and HIV+ men in the multicenter aids cohort study.
Primus/Excellus Body Composition Analysis(Lean Mass) The effects a multimodal intervention in older frail/prefrail people with diabetes mellitus from a functional perspective.
iNSiGHT Body Composition Analysis for a lab animal(Bone Mass, Fat Mass, Lean Mass) Phase 1 Clinical Trial for Anti-Sarcopenia/Anti-Osteoporosis/Anti-Obesity Medication.

* Abovementioned research themes are presented for the purpose of suggestion only. You are welcome to dive in your own research theme.

5.  Confidentiality and Intellectual Property Rights


Authors or universities/institutions must ensure that no confidential or proprietary information is included in submitted papers. OsteoSys will treat all information submitted in proposals as non-confidential and non-proprietary.

Intellectual Property (IP) Rights

OsteoSys requires the right to utilize the results of the research that it sponsors.

6.  Submission

Submission Protocol

Submission of a paper must be done through the online submission form (Click below to open the on-line application page)

Submissions by email will not be accepted. Submitters will receive a confirmation email once they complete the online submission form and process.



Submission must be completed by 11:59 pm PDT on October 15, 2019.


Required Information for the Online Submission Form

The following information will be required in order to complete the online submission form for each Paper submitted.

²  Paper information: Written Proof for Paper’s publication in 2019, 1-page summary, Script of the Paper.

²  PI’s Information; Full name, Nationality, Email address, Mobile number, Position and Name of Institution/Hospital/University.

7.  Award Candidates


Award will be available only after you have agreed to the terms of confidentiality and intellectual property rights presented above. If you cannot agree on the term, do not apply for the award. The fund can be granted up to $ 3,000 and the amount of grant for each accepted paper will be settled by OsteoSys Research Award Review Committee based on their in-depth evaluation.

8. Inquiry

Inquiries Related to the 2019 OsteoSys Research Award Program

Please send an email to the Research Award Program Administration Office at ( if you have a question regarding the 2019 OsteoSys Research Award Program. The Research Award Program Administration Office is the only resource that can officially answer your question(s).



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Domestic(Korean) Inquiry

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International Inquiry

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Domestic(Korean) Inquiry

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